5 Essential Factors For Your Tech Startup Marketing

Blog Start-Up Tips

Whether or not you’ve noticed, it has happened to you before.

You’ve come across an interesting article, or an eye-catching LinkedIn post, or a friend mentioned a new company to you. Following your instinct, you clicked on the link, or the company’s profile, or searched the company on Google – and that tiny inkling of curiosity vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Why? Because you landed on an outdated profile, or a company homepage that looks like it hasn’t been updated in 10 years, or started reading an article and noticed two grammatical errors in the first sentence. 

People are perceptive, and in order to function in a world where we are constantly inundated with profiles, articles, and websites, we have developed extremely efficient filters to hone in on the best of the best (and toss aside the rest). 

Luckily, I’m here to tell you how to survive the harsh judgment by telling you the 5 must-haves in B2B startup marketing, so you can be sure to set yourself up for success.

1. Updated Website

Where to begin other than the pinnacle of a company’s presence on the world wide web? Their website. 

A website is where someone goes to find out more information about a company; when they were founded, what their mission is, what they sell, the list goes on. 

On a technological level, websites are an incredibly important marketing tool for lead generation. So, the information you display on your website and how you display it is vital. 

If your SaaS startup marketing plan doesn’t include a website with impeccable UI/UX design and call-to-action (CTA) buttons in all the right places, you’re missing out on the opportunity to begin the process of nurturing your site visitors and converting them into customers.

And, despite what some people say, looks DO matter. 

Landing on an outdated website (you know, the ones that look like they came straight out of the early 2000’s) is a major deterrent.

So when creating your website, be sure to invest in excellent UI/UX

2. Social Proof

Another marketing mistake startups often make is lacking social proof across their website and social media channels.

Testimonials and case studies of satisfied customers may seem like a take-it-or-leave-it option, but in reality, these are extremely powerful tools to persuade customers to try your product.

It takes a special type of consumer to purchase a product if it has no reviews. Why would someone take the risk of paying for a subpar product or service when they can find the same exact item with plenty of raving reviews? 

They probably wouldn’t. Which is why you must invest time and energy into gathering testimonials and conducting case studies on pre-existing customers that are satisfied with your product and are willing to vouch for your startup’s reliability and product quality. 

Plus, testimonials and case studies can also be used as engaging content to distribute through your various channels (social media, startup marketing campaigns, newsletters, etc.), making it a win-win.

3. Use Your Competition

So – you’ll make sure that your B2B startup marketing strategy includes an extremely user-friendly, updated website with a plethora of CTA’s and incredible social proof. What next? 

As discussed in a different blog, startups are usually swimming in an extremely fierce ocean of competition. 

And yet, working at a B2B startup marketing agency, I don’t have enough fingers on both hands to count how many times my clients have insisted that they are way better than their competitors and brushed them aside.

This right here is mistake #3. 

It’s great that your product or service outperforms your competition, but that doesn’t mean you can pretend that they don’t exist. 

If you underestimate your competition, you remain ignorant to the options your potential customers are comparing to your product. And while ignorance is bliss, this kind of bliss doesn’t make money.

Use your competition to your advantage – study what works for them, what doesn’t, and use it to inform your B2B startup marketing strategy.

4. Consistent Branding

Another marketing mistake startups often make is having inconsistent branding, or no branding at all.

Creating a brand is no simple process, sure, but it is one that is well worth the time and money. Why? 

Because a company’s brand is a company’s story; their why. And in order to stand out amongst the competition, your startup must tell a compelling story that draws in your audience and sparks their interest.

Without this captivating story being told consistently across all marketing materials and platforms, you risk losing and even confusing current and potential customers.

5. Social Media

The fifth most common tech startup marketing mistake is underutilizing social media.

Similar to a website, social media has become one of the predominant marketing tools in the B2B world.  

From LinkedIn outreach to sponsored ads to good old organic content, social media has become a serious lead generation instrument in the orchestra of a marketing plan.

Even if you don’t have the bandwidth to utilize social media to its fullest potential, you should be sure to at least upload a post here and there to let customers know that your startup is alive and well. 

Better yet – hire an agency with expertise in SaaS startup marketing that can cover all your marketing bases for you, social media included.

Check out our website to learn more about what services SAGE offers to the leading B2B tech startups.

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