Scottish Summit started in 2019 as a way to showcase Microsoft Dynamics 365 in Scotland. The first event gathered 370 Dynamics professionals to Glasgow to watch 38 sessions. In 2020 the full Microsoft Cloud Community was invited to showcase all the Microsoft Cloud stack and over 1,100 people attended. Fast Forward to 2021 and world events allow the event to go Global to over 3,400 attendees who took in 365 sessions.
Develop a comprehensive event strategy, including target audience
identification, messaging, social, and marketing materials.
Design and build an eye-catching booth,
train staff, and manage logistics.
Manage booth operations, lead generation, and customer
interactions through demos, presentations, and networking.
Nurture leads, schedule follow-up meetings,
and analyze event data to identify areas for improvement.
Use data to refine future event strategies,
maximizing ROI.